Saturday, July 4, 2009

10 and 11 month pictures

I don't know why I always post these pictures late, but here they are- Ashlyn's 10 and 11 month old pictures. I CANNOT BELIEVE SHE WILL BE ONE IN A MONTH!! Time has flown by so fast, but I am enjoying every minute of it. I thought that being a mom to two would be hard, but I think I'm adjusting pretty well. We have our schedule and it's what works for us and I don't think I would change it at all!

Monday, June 8, 2009

More Thermopolis Pictures

Enjoying the hot springs!!

Memorial Day Weekend

For Memorial Day weekend we went to Thermopolis, Wy. Since Joe and I got together he has wanted to take me there. I'm so glad we finally got to go, and I can't wait until we get to go back. It was so much fun to get a way on a little mini-vacation. Thank you hun!
We each took turns walking with Caden down in to the Spirt Holes. (not really sure why they are called that) It was really neat to walk down in them.
This buffalo was right outside of the car window! Caden kept say, "I'm gonna ride that buffalo!" It was funny-he thought he could ride it like a horse.

Joe and Caden at the Dinasour Museum. Caden loves dinasours.

Ashlyn riding on a dinasour. Not sure what kind of dinasour it is, but it was cute to see her stand on it.

Ashlyn's 9 month pic and random pics of the kids

pictures from shooting

This was the first time Caden got to shoot a gun!

Caden's 3rd Birthday

Ok, so I tried to do this a while ago, but I was having problems uploading pictures. So wish me luck!.....I cannot believe it that three years ago on Easter my little man was born!! It does not seem like that much time has gone by. But it has. On Caden's actual birthday we just stayed home and made pizza. He liked being a little chef and had fun eating his creation! For Caden's birthday party we went bowling. He loved it. He wants to go bowling all the time now and everytime we do go bowling he says, "I came here for my birthday party." He's so cute. Joe's mom and dad came down for the party. It was only going to be grandma, but grandpa decided to take time off work and surpised Caden. He was so happy to see his Grandpa. My dad also came down with my sis, Cortnie, and with my brother, Daniel. I want to thank all the family and friends that were able to help Caden celebrate his big day. After bowling we went to dinner, and then drove out to the shooting range and the guys had some fun with the guns....oh yeah and so did grandma! Here are a few of my favorite pics.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So I keep looking at everyone else's blogs and think to myself- I really need to put our pictures on here! Well here goes. This is an update for almost the past two months. I's about time!

Monday, April 13, 2009


For the first time I made a quilt for my friend Jocelyn's new baby girl. My mom and sister, cortnie, helped me....not sure when I'll be doing it again because my fingers hurt SO BAD, but I think it turned out good for my first time.....probably because of my mom!!

Easter Eggs and Easter Baskets!!

We decided to go to the Dinasour Museum after the egg hunt. Caden liked seeing all the dinasours.

Easter 2009

We went to my mom and dad's for Easter this year. These are pictures from the Easter Egg hunt at the park.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

These were taken when we got home from the mall.....TOO CUTE!

Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny was at the mall this past weekend. I was surprised that Ashlyn didn't scream and that Caden wasn't shy!

8 Months Old

Here we are again! another month older. Ashlyn turned 8 months old on the first of April.

Ashlyn started crawling a few weeks ago. This was the second time she crawled. (obviously I missed the first time with the camera!) She's going after Joe's phone, which is one of her favorite "toys"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We went to Disney On Ice last Saturday, and for breakfast I made Caden Mickey Mouse pancakes. For the week before we went Caden told everyone we were going to see Mickey in Salt Lake. He was SOOO excited!
We let Caden pick out a toy and he picked a Stitch. He picked out a Minnie Mouse for Ashlyn.

Waiting for the show to start. I think I was just as excited as Caden was!

Caden was singing along to the song in the Little Mermaid, when the which takes her voice. "Ahhhhh Ahhhhh" It was so cute!

Ashlyn needed a break before it was all over.

After a long day with no nap and lots of fun, Caden finally feel asleep on the way home.