Monday, June 8, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

For Memorial Day weekend we went to Thermopolis, Wy. Since Joe and I got together he has wanted to take me there. I'm so glad we finally got to go, and I can't wait until we get to go back. It was so much fun to get a way on a little mini-vacation. Thank you hun!
We each took turns walking with Caden down in to the Spirt Holes. (not really sure why they are called that) It was really neat to walk down in them.
This buffalo was right outside of the car window! Caden kept say, "I'm gonna ride that buffalo!" It was funny-he thought he could ride it like a horse.

Joe and Caden at the Dinasour Museum. Caden loves dinasours.

Ashlyn riding on a dinasour. Not sure what kind of dinasour it is, but it was cute to see her stand on it.

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